We as the audience believe what we are told to believe about what things mean which makes it harder for us to interpret things ourselves.
Meaning is defined by opposites.
Derrida believes binary pairs (opposite things, for example, hot and cold) are not equal culture tends to favour one side of each and judge it in a more positive light.
Signified: What something represents.
Signifier: Whats being shown (the object).
A sign is the smallest element of meaning. Signs will be grouped together to create larger units of meaning: this is called codes which can be decoded or interpreted. For example, a person wearing particular items of clothing together might take on a cultural identity.
Denotation: this is the literal meaning of a sign
Connotation: this is the interpreted meaning of a sign
Polysemic: refers to the capacity of all signs to be many signed i.e. have more than one meaning.