Monday, 7 October 2013

Audience theory

- Target audience
- age
- gender
- experience
- race/ethnicity
- hobbies/interests
- class
- regional identity
- disability
- culture

There are three theories to help us understand the relationship between texts and audience. 

1) the effects model
2) uses and gratification
3) reception theory

We will also be learning about 2 step model and agenda setting theory. 

Primary: actually engaging with the media
Secondary: seeing the media but doing something else at the same time
Tertiary: when you know of it but havent payed attention to it. 

Primary and secondary are examples of an active audience while tertiary is an example of a passive audience. 

Ideologies are a set of values and or beliefs - for example, the idea that blondes are dumb is a dominent stereotype. 

Effects model:
Imitaion - copy what you see
Cartharsis - like soap operas
Desensitisation - negative things

Uses and gratification:
. Personal identity
. Surveillance
. Pleasure/entertainment
. Diversion/escapism
. Learning/understanding

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